​ FFHA's autumn meeting in Helsinki on November 16, 2021

Discussions about Finland's Family History Association and their web pages.
Viestit: 444
Liittynyt: 03.11.2011 15:38

​ FFHA's autumn meeting in Helsinki on November 16, 2021

Viesti Kirjoittaja piilahti » 05.11.2021 18:35

FFHA's regular autumn meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 6.30 pm in Helsinki, at Pakilan yläaste (Pakilantie 67 / Pilkekuja 10). The meeting can be attended only in person. The instructions and regulations for the meetings will be taken into account at the event.

A separate invitation will be sent before the meeting. You must register for the meeting in advance no later than Sunday, November 14th, by email to info(at)sukuhistoria.fi .

Material concerning the meeting (in Finnish) will be included to the member pages:
https://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut_ ... enille.htm

Warmly welcome!
FFHA's executive committee