FFHA participates in online genealogical event Kuulutko sukuuni on October 9-10, 2021

Discussions about Finland's Family History Association and their web pages.
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FFHA participates in online genealogical event Kuulutko sukuuni on October 9-10, 2021

Viesti Kirjoittaja piilahti » 28.09.2021 13:20

The genealogical event Kuulutko sukuuni will take place online on Saturday and Sunday, October 9-10. FFHA is participating in the event online with its own booth and program. The language of the event is Finnish.

Our booth via Zoom is open on Saturday 9.10. at 10-12 and 13-15 and on Sunday 10.10. 10-12 and 12.30-15. Our weekend program (in Finnish) is shown below. When the program is paused, there is an opportunity for discussion, questions and guidance. English questions are welcome!

Saturday October 9:
10.15-11.15: Member meeting (Jäsentapaaminen)
13.00-13.45: Join the volunteer work (Tule mukaan vapaaehtoistyöhön)

Sunday, October 10:
10.00-10.30: Short information session: The latest material in FFHA's image database
(Uusimpia aineistoja SSHY:n kuvatietokannassa)
12.45-13.15: Short information session: List of farmholder landlords on FFHA's website
(Talonhaltijaluetteloita SSHY:n sivustolla)

The event is organized by the Vantaan Seudun Sukututkijat. More information about the weekend (eg registration and the entire program) can be found on the event's website https://kuulutkosukuuni.com/ (in Finnish).

The links for attending will be published before the event on the above-mentioned event page and, in the case of FFHA, also e.g. on the home page blog, event calendar, and Facebook group.

A warm welcome to attend the event!