Invoice translations

Discussions about Finland's Family History Association and their web pages.
Viestit: 1283
Liittynyt: 09.08.2006 00:16
Paikkakunta: San Jose

Invoice translations

Viesti Kirjoittaja jani » 17.08.2006 03:15

Liittymismaksu = Joining Fee
-- -- --

Beneficiary's bank account number: LUSP 400610-2146787

These codes might be needed for overseas payments:
IBAN: FI5040061020146787
bic: helsfihh

Beneficiary: Suomen Sukuhistoriallinen yhdistys

Payment for: %s

Payer: %s

Reference number: %s

Due date: %s EUR: %s

-- -- --

You are now a member of Finland's Family History Association. Welcome!

The username and password to the member pages will be sent to you once we receive the joining fee and membership fee.

As a member you will get the latest news about the project and you're also welcome to help us with the project. You will also receive all our other member perks, such as our magazine (still in the making), extra archived material on out member pages and a search engine for finding spesific images by their comment text.

You can join the Digiarchives Forum at

Real-time conversation can be joined on IRC. Our server is and the port number is 6667. You can join the channel
#digiarchives with the command /join #digiarchives.
For more information, look up

Finland's Family History Association

Jäsenmaksu = Yearly Member Fee
-- -- --

Our account number: LUSP 400610-2146787
IBAN: FI5040061020146787
bic: helsfihh

Beneficiary: Suomen Sukuhistoriallinen yhdistys

Payment for: %s

Payer: %s

Reference number: %s

Due date: %s EUR: %s

-- -- --

Hi. It's once again time to pay your yearly Finland's Family History
Association member fee.

Remember, as a member you will get the latest news about the project and you're
also welcome to help us with the project. You will also receive all our other
member perks, such as our magazine (still in the making), extra archived
material on out member pages and a search engine for finding spesific images by
their comment text.

Here's a quick reminder for different contact possibilities:

You can join the Digiarchives Forum at

Real-time conversation can be joined on IRC. Our server is and the port number is 6667. You can join the channel
#digiarchives with the command /join #digiarchives.
For more information, look up

Finland's Family History Association

PS. If your e-mail address ever changes, remember to send us your new one!
Fill in the %s with the information from the Finnish invoices. Don't forget to pay BOTH invoices, since one is the one time joining fee and the other a yearly member fee.

If you're paying with PayPal ( ... paypal.htm), please remember to use the reference numbers given in the two e-mails. Thanks!
----- Jani Koski -----