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Reinhold Bullich

Lähetetty: 09.11.2021 00:42
Kirjoittaja Arcobaleno
I'm trying to explore the data about Reinhold Bullich.
Here: ... 5875930601 it is said that Reinhold Bulich was a burgher in Stockholm in 1702 and official of the crown in south of Stockholm in 1738.
But at the same time on there are records about the birth of children of Reinchold Bulik in Korsholm from 1699 to 1709.
Can someone tell me how Reinhold Bulich could be in Stockholm in 1702, if at the same time he lived in Korsholm?
Unfortunately, I very bad know the tradition of that time аnd I do not know the Swedish language and it prevents my research.
Thanks to everyone who responds!

Re: Reinhold Bullich

Lähetetty: 10.11.2021 23:12
Kirjoittaja Essimi
Have you found some reason for the family visiting/staying in Wasa? Was R.B. working there as well, or did they have origins there?
It certainly was possible for the family to live in Wasa/Korsholm while the father worked as an officer at the capital city. Depends on how ”hands on” the fathers duties were. At least seafaring and communications were lively between the coasts of the Gulf of Bothnia and Stockholm in 1600’s, and made it possible to sail back and forth. The sea was more connecting, than separating.

Re: Reinhold Bullich

Lähetetty: 10.11.2021 23:52
Kirjoittaja Arcobaleno
Essimi, thanks for your help!
Reinchold came to Wasa from Stockholm.
I definitely do not know for what reason it happened (perhaps because he was engaged in trade).
I found this book:
One person helped me in the translation of many pages from Swedish from this book. A lot of text devoted to Johan Bullich (the son of Reinchold Bullich) and there is information about Reinchold.
For example, on page 173 there is this:

"Reinhold Bullich hade år 1696 kommit från Stockholm till Vasa där han följande år gifte sig med Brita Asplund som var dotter till handelsmannen Mickel Eriksson Asplund och syster till den tidigare nämnda Catharina Asplund. Reinhold Bullich var handelsman i Vasa mellan åren 1698 och 1710 varefter han bytte yrke och blev kronobefallningsman. Familjen var av allt att döma välbärgad: fadern Reinhold Bullich var under sin tid som handelsman även verksam som skeppsredare och familjen beskattades för olika lyxartiklar."

Re: Reinhold Bullich

Lähetetty: 11.11.2021 09:50
Kirjoittaja Essimi
Ok, that explains a lot! R.B. was a businessman, trader and a shipowner in Wasa and even found a wife from there. After abt. 10-12 years he changed career to be some sort of governor or Bailiff of the Crown. I suppose he then moved to Stockholm with his family?

Re: Reinhold Bullich

Lähetetty: 11.11.2021 09:57
Kirjoittaja tuulacu
You have especially paid attention to the year 1702, when Reinhold was supposed to be a burgher in Stockholm?

I suspect that the remark of 1702 had remained from earlier years - he was actually living with his family in Vaasa (visiting Stockholm sometimes for business; he must have had many connections there). Maybe Reinhold was not yet so settled in Vaasa that he kept the doors open to Stockholm as well. As far as I know, the status of a burgher was not easy to get in some places.

Just thoughts...

Tuula K

Re: Reinhold Bullich

Lähetetty: 11.11.2021 10:27
Kirjoittaja Essimi
From this very long undernote in the catalogue of students, we can read that Reinholt Bullick was a "Befallningsman" at Wasa area, too (year 1711): ... hp?id=2365
In the very same catalogue I found two of the Bullich daughters (Beata and Rebecka). They were married to priests nearby Wasa.

Re: Reinhold Bullich

Lähetetty: 12.11.2021 00:54
Kirjoittaja Arcobaleno
Essimi kirjoitti:
11.11.2021 09:50
After abt. 10-12 years he changed career to be some sort of governor or Bailiff of the Crown. I suppose he then moved to Stockholm with his family?
No, when Bullich stopped engaged in trade, he did not move to Stockholm. Bulich became a befallningsman and he lived in Wasa. I found many records, for example, this is: ... ay2=153939
"Befallningsman Buliks two daughters
Beata and Juliana"

I once again asked here about Bulich: viewtopic.php?f=10&t=6478&hilit=Reinhold+Bullich

I suspect that the remark of 1702 had remained from earlier years
Yes, you are right, it is possible. I think this is a good idea.

In the very same catalogue I found two of the Bullich daughters (Beata and Rebecka)
I could not find in this Catalogue Beata and Rebecka. You could not tell me how you found them?...

Re: Reinhold Bullich

Lähetetty: 12.11.2021 10:43
Kirjoittaja Essimi
The catalogue where I found Beata and Rebecka Bullich is this:
Unfortunately there is no guidance in english, so this is how I usually make the search:
Choose ”Hakulomake” on the left, write the search term in the box ”Anna hakutermi” and choose the middle box ”Ylioppilaiden kaikkiin tietoihin”.
You can use asterisk eg. Bullic* to get different spellings with one search.
This sort of search gives you more notes and names (wives, relatives, officials etc.) in connection with the students.

PS. In Vaasa area local histories there are lots of notes to Bullichs. I mean A. Luukko: ”Vaasan historia” 1-2; K.V. Åkerblom: ”Korsholms historia” 1; A. Mäkelä ea.:”Kristiinankaupungin historia” 1.

Re: Reinhold Bullich

Lähetetty: 14.11.2021 15:02
Kirjoittaja Arcobaleno
Essimi, thanks for the search instructions on
This is very useful!
Essimi kirjoitti:
12.11.2021 10:43
PS. In Vaasa area local histories there are lots of notes to Bullichs. I mean A. Luukko: ”Vaasan historia” 1-2; K.V. Åkerblom: ”Korsholms historia” 1; A. Mäkelä ea.:”Kristiinankaupungin historia” 1.
I tried to find these books on the Internet in pdf format, but I didn't find anything.
Perhaps someone knows if these books are available anywhere in pdf format?...